a few family history links...


Specific Names: - Anderson Family Genealogy Forum - Newell Family Genealogy Forum

General Names: - largest and fastest-growing collection of online searchable genealogy data
Canadian Archives
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites - A comprehensive index to over 206,000 genealogical resources on the Internet. You'll find a list of links that point you to genealogical research sites, all categorized & cross-referenced. It's like a "card catalog" to the genealogical collection in the immense library that is the Internet. This site is particularly good, because it has links to genealogical resources in many different countries. Over 2000 new links are added each month!
Ellis Island Records - If one of your ancestors came to the USA by way of the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island, search their name and you can access his or her records in some detail. I was impressed that the database allows you to search using last name, ethnicity, name of town they left, year of arrival and more. You can even see a copy of the ship's manifest listing their names!
Family Research Centre - London England
Family Search - The Latter-Day Saints (Mormon Church) site that allows you to access the the top level documentation available from the LDS archives. Obviously it would be a huge job to put their millions of microfilm records online, but what they have available is an excellent starting point for anyone contemplating use of their resources
GedPage - premiere gedcom to html webpage builder
Family Tree Maker - lots of good data
Fort Wayne Genealogy Research
Freed Mens Bureau - The Freedmen's Bureau is a reference for people with slave ancestors. Prior to the advent of the Net these records were too sparse and scattered for most African Americans to research their geneaology. What was once a painstaking county by county search is now online and people are discovering a past they once thought was lost.
GenDocs Genealogy Services - Genealogical Research in England and Wales - Oldest and Largest Free Genealogy Site
Genealogy Resources on the Internet - This site co-authored by TOURBUS rider John Fuller is similar to Cyndi's List though there are significant differences. The two main sections are web sites and genealogy mailing lists. The web section is extensive though it is somewhat modest related to Cyndi's List; however, the mailing list section is the premier site for such lists with over 25,000 entries and 100 or so added weekly.
Genealogy Search Sites
Mayflower Web Pages: History and Genealogy
New England Historic Genealogical Society
North America Genealogy Resources (Penn State)
Penn State Univ
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness - Over four thousand RAOGK volunteers have agreed to do a genealogical research task at least once per month in their local area. It's people helping people, by going to local courthouses, photographing tombstones, etc.
Roots Web - The oldest and one of the most extensive genealogy sites on the Internet ... and everything is free. It serves as host to many of the genweb sites (discussed next), thousands of mailing lists, census projects, Cyndi's List, WorldConnect, has a large number of genealogy search engines, and much more.
US Gen Web - An outstanding project that has pages for each state and each county in each US state with extensive links to applicable resources, query boards, surname lists, and most anything else imaginable. You can get to the county pages from the state pages, and to the state pages from the main page shown above. You can also get to the state pages using: where "xx" is the two-letter postal code for the state.
World Family Tree - growing collection of family trees contributed by genealogists like you
World Gen Web - A project similar to USGENWEB that has sites for every country other than the US. This project is a bit younger than USGENWEB and there are some countries that still need coordinators; however, these are generally countries that folks have never heard of :)

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